Book Author : Majed S. Al-Rassi
Publisher :Mercy Library
Year of Publication :2023
Number of Pages :43
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WHAT BROUGHT THEM TO ISLAM ? Islam: The Fastest Growing Religion in the West - A Booklet on the Unique Stories of Converts Islam is a religion that is rapidly growing in popularity both in the West and around the world. Despite widespread misconceptions about women in Islam, a growing number of women are finding that Islam is the true religion and the best way of life. In the U.S. alone, the number of Muslims has risen dramatically, from about ten thousand in the year 1900 to at least several million people today. The rise of Islam in the West is not a coincidence, but rather a result of four main reasons that this booklet sheds light on. This booklet delves into the stories of converts who have embraced Islam and the special reasons for their conversion. Each person who embraces Islam has a unique story, and this booklet aims to showcase some of those stories to give readers a glimpse into the world of Islam and the reasons behind the growing popularity of this religion. Through the stories of converts, readers will gain insight into the four main reasons for the rapid change to Islam in the West. These reasons include the intellectual appeal of Islam, the spiritual satisfaction it brings, the ethical and moral values that it upholds, and the sense of community and belonging that it offers. The stories shared in this booklet will provide readers with a greater understanding of the reasons behind the growing popularity of Islam and the unique experiences of those who have embraced this faith. This booklet is a must-read for anyone who is interested in learning more about Islam and the reasons behind its rapid growth. Whether you are a non-Muslim who is curious about the faith or a Muslim looking to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of converts, this booklet provides a valuable and insightful perspective. With a focus on the stories of individuals and their unique journeys to Islam.   Chosen Book For you to read after this Book. WHY I ASK PEOPLE TO BECOME MUSLIMS  ISLAM THE COMPLETE AND FINAL MESSAGE TO MAN AN ADVICE TO MUSLIMS AND NON-MUSLIMS  


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